Alloy Reports

At All Metals & Forge Group, we take pride in providing our customers with a wide range of products and services. Below you’ll find a menu with links to detailed reports on some of our most popular alloys. If you would like us to send you our complete list of reports for the over 300 alloys we offer, use the form below to let us know where to send your alloy reports.

As always, if you have any questions please contact us in the U.S. at 1 (973) 276-5000 or toll-free at 1 (800) 600-9290. In Canada at 1 (416) 363-2244. Fax us at 1 (973) 276-5050 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you.


17 – 4 PH steel is a martensitic precipitation age hardening stainless steel that combines high strength and hardness with excellent corrosion resistance. stainless steel 17-4phIt may be age-hardened by a single-step low- low-temperature treatment

This grade of steel is used for a variety of applications including oil field valve parts, chemical process equipment, forged aircraft fittings, fasteners and pump shafts, gears, nuclear reactor parts, and jet engine parts.

Forging of this grade should be carried out between 2150/2200ºF (1180/1200ºC) and 1850ºF (1010ºC.) For optimum grain size and mechanical properties, forgings should be air-cooled to below 90ºF (32ºC) before further processing. Forgings must be solution-treated before hardening.

Type 17 – 4 PH alloy is hardened by heating solution-treated material, condition A, to between 900/ºF (480ºC) and 1150ºF (620ºC) for one to four hours, depending upon the temperature, then air cooling.

Heat at 1900ºF (1040ºC) for 30 minutes and cool to below 90ºF (32ºC) to allow complete transformation to martensite. Sections less than 3” may be quenched in a suitable liquid while those sections over 3” should be rapidly air-cooled. Parts should not be used in the solution–treated condition due to possible problems with stress corrosion cracking.

For condition H900 heat solution-treated material at 900ºF (480ºC) for 1 hour and air cool. For conditions H925, H1025, H1075, H1100, H1150: heat solution-treated material at appropriate temperature ± 15ºF (± 8ºC) for 4 hours and air cool.

17 – 4 PH grade is readily machinable in both the solution-treated and various age-hardened conditions. In the solution-treated condition, it machines in a similar way to stainless 304. The machinability improves as the hardening temperature increases.

17 – 4 PH grade can be satisfactorily welded by the shielded fusion and resistance welding processes.

Oxyacetylene welding is not recommended since carbon pick-up may occur in the weld. If a filler metal is required a 17-4PH type welding rod should be used to provide welds with base-metal properties. If high strength is not required an austenitic stainless filler metal is satisfactory.

Welding in the solution-treated condition is normally satisfactory, but if high welding stresses are a possibility it may be best to weld in the overaged (H1150) condition.

If welded in the solution-treated condition, 17-4PH alloy may be aged to the desired strength level after welding, but the optimum strength-ductility-corrosion resistance combination is obtained by solution-treating the welded part before aging. Welding in the overaged condition must be followed by solution treatment and then aging.

Alloy Reports

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